
pregnant gas is a horse of a different color.  not only is there a lot of it (like enough to power a small city), but it just feels different.  it hurts more, for one thing.  i was up half the night with this crampy sort of pain creeping up to my ribs.  i must say, i have never had gas under my ribs before.  it’s almost like it has nowhere else to go because the baby is taking up some primo real estate in my gullet.  at the risk of getting completely crude, i think i will end this part of the post here.

travis and i went on a small shopping spree yesterday.  the purchase i am most excited about is undoubtedly my snoogle!

it’s a little early to start using it, but i’m very happy to know it’s there waiting for me.

if you’ve read the previous posts in this blog, you know i’m having a somewhat difficult time with morning sickness.  i’ve only thrown up once, but i’m nauseous constantly.  i bought these to help:

i tried the sour raspberry flavor at a particularly queasy moment.  it worked!  and it tasted good!  really, really good!  VICTORY.

the other edible goody i bought is a pack of belly bars:

i bought a 5 pack of the chocolate toffee crunch flavor.  due to my constant queasiness, i haven’t been eating as much or as often as i should.  if i can keep down just one of these, then at least i know baby is getting all the nutrients it needs for the day.   i ate one yesterday afternoon, and it was yummy!  very yummy!

i also bought a couple new bras for my ever-expanding chest area, but no one wants to hear about that.

**due to the new laws governing the blogosphere, i am obligated to tell you that i reviewed these products for funsies and was not offered any products or compensation for my efforts.**

2 responses to “gas.

  1. Congrats Sara!

    I wanted to let you know that acupuncture has been shown to be very helpful with morning sickness. I could look into finding out if any of my professors know any acupuncturists in your area if you’d like.

    • i would be open to trying anything. unfortunately, i don’t think our insurance will cover that, and we probably can’t afford it otherwise. 😦

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