Tag Archives: hair cut

those poor puppies.

since it is almost impossible to predict labor, i’ve decided to make a list of other upcoming events that have me excited.

1. travis and i will be celebrating our very first wedding anniversary on august 16th. we have no big plans. if little sylvie hasn’t made her grand entrance yet, i would like to cook a nice, gourmet dinner at home. i’m thinking pan-seared sea scallops (travis’ favorite fruit de mer). i’m still working out the preparation and accompaniments in my head. i know i will be making a lemon tart for dessert. it’s his absolute favorite and so affordable and easy to make.

2. the night before our anniversary is the comedy central roast of david hasselhoff. from baywatch to death watch. but seriously, do NOT hassle the hoff.

3. i snuck in an appointment to get my hair trimmed and dyed back to my natural color (brown) tomorrow morning. my roots are looking terrible and i will not have the time for nor the interest in the upkeep red requires. i’m looking forward to not having to worry about it for a while.

4. i actually can’t think of anything else not involving sylvie or labor. so let’s get this straight. besides our anniversary and meeting my baby, i’m most looking forward to the televised cable network roast of a has been and a hair cut? SAD.

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my day off.

i have every thursday off from work. as soon as i let my managers know about the pregnancy, i requested to have a weekday off each week. i needed a day, the same day every week, to count on to get things done. they decided thursday would work best, so thursday it is!

travis is done with his classes for the year, which means we actually got to spend the whole day together! he used to have class every thursday at 6:30. we went to target and scored a really nice duvet cover for our bed for $8.00! it was a return from an internet purchase, and marked down from $60.00. it matches our bed perfectly, which is not always an easy task. you see, our bed is bright yellow.

after perusing target and satisfying my craving for an auntie anne’s soft pretzel, we ventured over to mira salon to get my hair cut! the stylist i used to see at my old hair place quit, so i thought i’d try a new place. this salon got good reviews and has cheaper prices to boot! my stylist, tiffany, did a great job. it’s quite a bit shorter than i asked for, but my hair grows like a weed these days anyway. i love having short hair! it is so much easier to deal with. if you don’t like it, that’s ok. after all, i am the only person who needs to. without further ado, here is my new haircut and a 22 week bump picture!

i also have a food picture to share with you tonight. i made tabouleh and travis made his famous labni dip, and we enjoyed a greek(ish) feast for dinner!

i just want to take it easy tonight. i’m still exhausted from work yesterday. 8 hours on my feet is getting tougher! my plan is to watch the office, 30 rock, and dye my hair red. YEP! more changes. i love having red hair, and i think this haircut needs something other than a mousey brown. don’t worry how the dye will affect little sylvie! i’m using a demi-permanent, ammonia-free, soy-based, natural dye! (whew! that last sentence was hyphen city!) it’s totally safe to use during pregnancy. i’ll post another set of pictures tomorrow to show off the red. before i set to work, i think it’s about time for a klondike bar. it’s like pregnant lady crack! have a happy thursday night!

bump and a haircut…

…2 bits.

i LOVE my hair cut!  if you voted “NO”, and don’t like it, that’s ok.  i am so much happier with my hair now!  without further ado, here is my bump, my hair cut, and some outside pictures to celebrate the beautiful day we’re having!

the other side of my hair is a bit longer in the back.  it looks like a mullet in this picture, but i swear it’s not!:

and one to showcase this gorgeous day:

our 16 week appointment went really well.  the heartbeat still sounds strong and fast.  i believe the doctor’s exact words were, “the baby sounds great.”  a couple vials of blood and a payment later and we were out of there in 45 minutes.

travis is out taking auggie on a nice, long walk in the sunshine.  tonight we’re headed out to babies r us and a few other stores to start exploring our stroller, car seat, and crib options.  our parents are visiting in 3 weeks, and we want to have a good idea of what we like before then.

oh, and last night i made a burger onesie!

i hope you all have a great day!  i’m going to sit outside in the sun.