Tag Archives: 13 weeks

bump it.

here are the 13 week bump pictures as promised (complete with red lipstick)!

i was feeling pretty dowdy and a little greasy this evening, but there’s nothing like a swipe of red lipstick to make one feel instantly more put together.

my bump is really starting to stick out this week.  it’s pretty hard to hide it now, not that i’ve been trying to.  the weirdest development this week is that my belly button is now slightly off center.  it’s difficult to get a decent picture of it, but it’s definitely slightly right of center.

my big cravings this week have been green beans, frozen yogurt, grilled cheese, and pasta with butter and parmesan.  i’m still not stomaching meat very well, but i did manage to eat some roast chicken and a small cheeseburger this week.  progress!  i’ve been taking my vitamins religiously and have been getting protein from quinoa, almonds, almond milk, and cheese.  my OB gave me a handy chart to keep track of my diet and how many servings i’ve had from various food groups.  most days i’ve gotten fairly close to an ideal balance.  i’m trying!

6 weeks from today we find out if this little shrimp is a girl or a boy!  i can’t wait!  my mom and dad are flying out from philadelphia for the appointment and travis’ mom (and maybe his dad) are driving out from ohio.  it should be a very fun weekend, full of things to celebrate!  this baby will be very blessed to have such wonderful grandparents.

i think it is time for me to pop some popcorn, cuddle with my pup, and watch some figure skating.  i hope you all have a wonderful night!