Tag Archives: 14 weeks


as promised, here are my 14 week bump pictures.  i thought i would also use this as an opportunity to show off the great dress i ordered, which i mentioned here.  i will wear this to my parents’ 40th anniversary party this june!

i am in love with this dress.  it is so soft and comfortable!

today was a fantastic day.  it was sunny and comparatively warm (43 degrees).  travis woke up to an email letting him know that he will teaching this summer in addition to next year.  GO, TRAVIS!  then we went grocery shopping and cooked a lovely dinner of artichokes, roasted red skin potatoes, salad, and olive oil focaccia.  so yummy.

is anyone else super duper excited for the office baby episode later tonight?!

14 weeks (and 1 day)!

yesterday marked 14 weeks and my official transition into the second trimester!  this week our little baby is the size of a lemon.  HOLY HECK THAT SEEMS SO BIG TO ME!  i’m really looking forward to feeling movement in there.  i think i may have felt a first little flutter the other day, but i’m not sure.  it felt like a brief little flutter, like butterfly wings.  soon enough i’ll be wide awake at night while this little one kicks away!

i’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately.  i think my morning sickness, which had all but disappeared, is back for the time being.  this is disappointing, to say the least.  oh well.  chin up!  at least the round ligament pain i experienced yesterday did not resurface today.  that was worse than any amount of vomiting/nausea.

as you can probably tell, i’ve experienced basically every common physical symptom of pregnancy.  from vomiting to fatigue to pain, i’ve had them all.  fortunately, i have been emotionally stable.  i did not expect this.  i cry at the drop of a hat when not pregnant, but have only had a couple irrational crying jags so far.  of course, one of those was last night, right after i got done bragging to travis about my emotional stability.  ho hum.  however, this version of this song never fails to elicit a few tears:

stay tuned for a new bump picture tomorrow!