Tag Archives: bump watch


this week’s bump picture is a few days late and a little bit shoddy.  sorry!  my camera needs to be charged, so i had to use my webcam for this one.  without further ado, 17 weeks and 3 days:

my bump has really started to stick out this week.  almost all of my co-workers have commented on this.  i guess i’m really pregnant, huh?  CRAZY.  it still blows my mind every single day.

thanks to all of you, we are now 2 tiny votes away from the top 50!  THANK YOU for all of your clicks and votes.  YOU ARE AWESOME.

Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

bump and a haircut…

…2 bits.

i LOVE my hair cut!  if you voted “NO”, and don’t like it, that’s ok.  i am so much happier with my hair now!  without further ado, here is my bump, my hair cut, and some outside pictures to celebrate the beautiful day we’re having!

the other side of my hair is a bit longer in the back.  it looks like a mullet in this picture, but i swear it’s not!:

and one to showcase this gorgeous day:

our 16 week appointment went really well.  the heartbeat still sounds strong and fast.  i believe the doctor’s exact words were, “the baby sounds great.”  a couple vials of blood and a payment later and we were out of there in 45 minutes.

travis is out taking auggie on a nice, long walk in the sunshine.  tonight we’re headed out to babies r us and a few other stores to start exploring our stroller, car seat, and crib options.  our parents are visiting in 3 weeks, and we want to have a good idea of what we like before then.

oh, and last night i made a burger onesie!

i hope you all have a great day!  i’m going to sit outside in the sun.

photo booth.

cara and i spent the last hour taking ridiculous photo booth (as in the mac program) pictures.  these are the results.

and a quick week 15 bump picture:

now i’m off to watch cheesy tv and play mad libs with cara!



as promised, here are my 14 week bump pictures.  i thought i would also use this as an opportunity to show off the great dress i ordered, which i mentioned here.  i will wear this to my parents’ 40th anniversary party this june!

i am in love with this dress.  it is so soft and comfortable!

today was a fantastic day.  it was sunny and comparatively warm (43 degrees).  travis woke up to an email letting him know that he will teaching this summer in addition to next year.  GO, TRAVIS!  then we went grocery shopping and cooked a lovely dinner of artichokes, roasted red skin potatoes, salad, and olive oil focaccia.  so yummy.

is anyone else super duper excited for the office baby episode later tonight?!

anniversary date.

tonight travis and i went out to restaurant tallent (where he works) for our anniversary dinner.  we got all gussied up for the occasion.  i apologize for my expression in these pictures.  it was freezing outside and my eyes were watering from the wind.

the food was delicious and the company was even better.  we began the meal with roasted marrow bones with toast and some house made chips with truffled dip.  i had pork belly with butternut squash grits for my entree and travis had scallops.  for dessert i had a cappuccino (decaf, of course) and butterscotch semi freddo.  travis had a glass of sauternes and the cheese plate.  so good.  everyone who works there is so nice and it was awesome to finally get to meet travis’ co-workers.

i think the rest of the night will be spent curled up on the couch, with a dog and a movie.  i hope you all have a wonderful night.  i know i did.

bump it.

here are the 13 week bump pictures as promised (complete with red lipstick)!

i was feeling pretty dowdy and a little greasy this evening, but there’s nothing like a swipe of red lipstick to make one feel instantly more put together.

my bump is really starting to stick out this week.  it’s pretty hard to hide it now, not that i’ve been trying to.  the weirdest development this week is that my belly button is now slightly off center.  it’s difficult to get a decent picture of it, but it’s definitely slightly right of center.

my big cravings this week have been green beans, frozen yogurt, grilled cheese, and pasta with butter and parmesan.  i’m still not stomaching meat very well, but i did manage to eat some roast chicken and a small cheeseburger this week.  progress!  i’ve been taking my vitamins religiously and have been getting protein from quinoa, almonds, almond milk, and cheese.  my OB gave me a handy chart to keep track of my diet and how many servings i’ve had from various food groups.  most days i’ve gotten fairly close to an ideal balance.  i’m trying!

6 weeks from today we find out if this little shrimp is a girl or a boy!  i can’t wait!  my mom and dad are flying out from philadelphia for the appointment and travis’ mom (and maybe his dad) are driving out from ohio.  it should be a very fun weekend, full of things to celebrate!  this baby will be very blessed to have such wonderful grandparents.

i think it is time for me to pop some popcorn, cuddle with my pup, and watch some figure skating.  i hope you all have a wonderful night!

12 weeks!

according to one of the pregnancy books i have, i am officially out of the first trimester.  however, the other claims that this won’t be so until week 14.  i’ve decided to meet in the middle and say that this is my LAST week in the first trimester!  so here they are, my last bump watch pictures of the first trimester!  wow, i looked tired in these!

i also snapped a quick family portrait this afternoon:

my boys are so handsome.

11 weeks-bump watch.

here are my 11 week bump pictures as promised!

i just got this maternity shirt in the mail today, and i’m in love with it!  i almost bought it in black, but i decided my life needed more red at the last minute.

10 week picture-“bump” watch.

i don’t think i can put the word bump in quotes anymore.  there’s no denying little k. now!

and from the other side:

so the “bump” watch is now the bump watch–no quotes needed.  it feels pretty good.

7 weeks.

this past week has been the worst so far in terms of nausea and fatigue.  nothing sounds appetizing, and i basically just eat because i know i should.  the mental fatigue is even worse.  i constantly lose my train of thought or can’t think of the word i’m meaning to say.  how hard is it to remember the word simultaneous?  i mean, COME ON.  couple this with the fact that i’m not sleeping well due to the frequency and severity with which i have to pee, and you’ve got one spacey, glassy-eyed, and moody woman on your hands!

in happier news, this week our baby is the size of a blueberry!

he/she is developing hands and feet and is slowly losing its tail.  go, embryo, go!  i have no visible bump to speak of, just a general rounding and bloaty-ness.  the eggo waffles (i mean preggo waffles) i keep eating probably don’t help matters.

and now for the week 7 “bump” picture:

please excuse the greasy hair/lack of make-up/haute couture ensemble.  this was taken fresh from an afternoon nap.

just 9 days until our first ultrasound!